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BT Panda Nr. 42-16178047

BT Panda Nr. 42-16178047

Artikelnummer: sm-2KX5Ds8
by Jessie Cohen/Smithsonian's National Zoo/CNP - © Corbis.  All Rights Reserved. - © Jessie Cohen/Smithsonian's National Zoo/CNP/CNP/Corbis
  • USA - Animals - Panda

    22 Dec 2005, Washington, DC, USA --- Tai Shan (tie-SHON), the giant panda cub born on July 9, 2005 at the Smithsonian's National Zoo, took his first steps outside at about 7:30 AM on December 22, 2005, under the careful supervision of his mother, Mei Xiang (may-SHONG), and Zoo animal-care staff. Tai Shan first walked along the back wall and side fences before venturing to the center of the exhibit yard, where Mei Xiang sat eating bamboo. --- Image by © Jessie Cohen/Smithsonian's National Zoo/CNP/CNP/Corbis

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