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Artikelnummer: sm-NGBc7xs
by Roger Ressmeyer with Jay Pasachoff - Williams College - © Corbis.  All Rights Reserved. - © Roger Ressmeyer with Jay Pasachoff - Williams College/Science Faction/Corbis
  • Two Diamond Rings With Total Eclipse of the Sun, West of Hangzhou, China

    22 Jul 2009, China --- A digital composite of the July 22, 2009 total solar eclipse highlights the solar corona while also showing both the "diamond rings" at the beginning and end of totality, as well as the sun's chromosphere, and a small prominence. This was the longest total eclipse of the century, and the longest until 2132. The photographer shot the image through a 600mm Canon lens with a 2x tele-extender, resulting in a 1200mm F/8 optical system. Four images were combined in Photoshop to extend the dynamic range, thereby maintaining both the brightest and dimmest details that were visible to the Williams College Eclipse Expedition. | Location: Tianhuangping, China. --- Image by © Roger Ressmeyer with Jay Pasachoff - Williams College/Science Faction/Corbis

Preisab 115,00 €
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